Can Ducks Eat Pears?

can ducks eat pears

Ducks love to eat pears. They are a healthy snack for ducks and they taste great, too! Pears are a good source of vitamin C, which is important for ducks’ health. Additionally, pears are high in fiber and electrolytes, which help keep ducks’ water levels balanced.

Why Are Pears Good for Your Ducks?

Pears are abundant in dietary fiber, plant components, and important antioxidants. They include all of these nutrients in packaging that is free of cholesterol.

Here are just a few of the numerous health advantages they provide for your ducks.

Healthier Digestive System

Due to little to no fiber in their diets, ducks that consume a high-protein diet are more likely to become constipated. Fortunately, both soluble and insoluble fiber are abundant in pears, which helps with digestion.

Your duck’s stools become softer and easier to pass with less stress on the intestines when insoluble fibers draw water into them.

Heal Wounds Faster

Pears contain both vitamin C and vitamin K, both of which are essential for wound healing. Vitamin K encourages blood clotting and prevents bone fractures, while vitamin C aids the body’s natural mending process.

These micronutrients can help prevent bumblefoot, a foot illness that causes swelling and bulbous growth, making it difficult for ducks to walk normally.

Often, even a slight scratch from a small object like a pebble can result in wounds.

Promotes Heart Health

Pears can lessen your ducks’ risk of developing heart disease. This is advantageous for overweight, quickly developing ducks that hardly ever exercise. Pears’ antioxidants aid in reducing bad cholesterol and stiffness in cardiac tissue.

The peel also includes quercetin, an antioxidant that lowers risk factors like high blood pressure.

When Are Pears Bad for Ducks?

Pear seeds pose a health concern to your ducks due to the toxic substance they contain, as I explained above.

The name of this substance is amygdalin. The amygdalin releases hydrogen cyanide when the seeds are consumed by your ducks and broken down. Despite the deadly nature of hydrogen cyanide, your ducks won’t likely be harmed by one or two seeds.

But if you feed your ducks a lot of it, they can get sick. This is due to cyanide’s ability to block cells from utilizing oxygen.

Much oxygen is required for the proper operation of organs like the heart and brain. Death is all but certain when these start shutting down.

The high sugar content of pears is an additional drawback. A duck’s diet shouldn’t include sugar, and too much of it can lead to weight problems and heart trouble.

Reducing the frequency with which you feed your ducks pears or other fruits will easily solve this problem.

Can Ducklings Eat Pears?

Ducklings can eat pears too, as long as there aren’t any seeds. Due to their lower body mass, they are more sensitive to even minute levels of hydrogen cyanide.

However, it’s recommended to avoid giving ducklings tasty treats anytime you can when handling them. So that they can grow to their fullest capacity, let them take as much of their specially-made diet as possible.

Pears are a wonderful nutritional treat, but they won’t help your ducklings grow up on their own. The total number of goodies consumed should ideally not exceed 10% of their daily calorie intake. Until they are fully grown, at least.

What About Canned Pears?

Ducks can consume canned pears, but I don’t recommend it because the canning process increases the sugar content. In canned pears, additives like honey, sugar syrup, or lemon juice are frequently utilized. Overconsumption of sugar is known to lead to cardiac problems and obesity.

The absorption of calcium may be hampered by lemon juice. This is due to the fact that it includes citric acid, which might be harmful to laying ducks.

Eggs with thin shells or those that are egg-bound, which prevents the egg from passing through the oviduct and being ejected, can both be caused by low calcium levels.

Summary – Can Ducks Eat Pears?

Pears are a favorite food of ducks. This tasty fruit is high in dietary fiber, plant components, and antioxidants. It offers your ducks’ health advantages like:

  • Speeds up the healing process
  • Better digestion
  • Healthier heart

However, be cautious to remove the seeds first because they are poisonous and may seriously harm your ducks.