Can Ducks Eat Green Beans?

can ducks eat green beans

When eaten raw, green bean leaves, stems, and fruit is poisonous to ducks. It is best to feed ducks only fresh/sprouted, or cooked green beans.

String beans, Romano beans, Long beans, French green beans, Wax beans. Ducks love to eat all the varieties. In fact, it is very nutritious for them. But only when it’s cooked. Any type of beans in a dry or raw state contains a like lectin called hemagglutinin, which is highly toxic and may even cause food poisoning not only to ducks but also even to humans.

If you want to feed your duck green beans, make sure that they are cooked thoroughly, preferably without seasonings, such as salt or other spices. The lectin in green beans increases if it is exposed to heat lower than 100 degrees Celsius, so cooking them in boiling water reduces the risk of this toxin. It is recommended to cook them for a minimum of 10 minutes. Afterward, allow them cool, and cut them up into smaller pieces before serving them to your ducks.

Are Green Beans Good for Ducks?

Cooked green beans are sweet for ducks, which they can’t get enough of. Ducks can devour green beans floating in water in a matter of seconds.

Green beans provide various nutrients such as potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin b6, and vitamin c. They contain a higher level of these nutrients compared to other vegetables, which are great for maintaining strong, healthy ducks’ bones. Studies have shown that green beans reduce the risk of ducks breaking a bone.

Green beans do not have any cholesterol. They are also rich in fiber and folic acid which help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. It also keeps your duck’s digestive system healthy and prevents constipation.

So yes, green beans are good for ducks who benefit from a moderate amount of green beans in their diet. Green beans carry a lot of nutrients for ducks to thrive on. However, over 90% of green beans are water, which is pretty high for ducks. Consider offering them in moderation as consuming too much water may lead to diarrhea for your ducks.


Calcium is an essential mineral for the production of eggshells and eggs in general. It makes sense for it to be one of the most essential minerals in a duck’s diet. Studies show that green beans, which contain a high amount of calcium compared to other similar vegetables, make it less likely for ducks to suffer from broken bones when consumed moderately.

Ducks rely mostly on their legs and don’t fly as much as other birds. So having enough calcium in their bodies is essential for keeping them healthy.


Green beans are also high in potassium, which helps ensure proper muscle and nerve function. High levels of potassium keep the nerve cell and muscle cells healthy.


Green beans are rich in minerals, such as calcium, and iron. Iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which in turn is responsible for the production of oxygen to the different parts of a duck’s body. Iron deficiency may cause stiffness and fatigue.

Vitamin A

High levels of vitamin A in green beans are beneficial for a duck’s vision and skin. It is also needed to help mucous membranes to function normally. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness and decreased resistance to infections.

Vitamin C

Green beans are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C which boosts the immune system and helps repair damaged body tissue. These antioxidants help keep ducks away from deadly diseases such as duck hepatitis, which is deadly for ducklings.

A deficiency in vitamin C can lead to fatigue, depression, and impaired wound-healing capabilities.

Can Ducklings Eat Green Beans?

Only ducklings over four weeks can be fed green beans. Since they require a high amount of protein in the early stages of life, you can incorporate green beans into their diet by consistently increasing their consumption after the first four weeks. It is suggested that they be fed green beans in small portions weekly over a period of time.

It is very important as well to cut the green beans into tiny pieces before serving them to your ducks and ducklings to decrease the risk of suffocation. Ducks don’t chew their food and swallow everything whole, so try to cut them up into 1-inch pieces to be on the safe side.

Can Ducks Eat Canned Green Beans?

Canned green beans usually have high salt content which makes them unsuitable for birds of all kinds, especially ducks. They also contain added sugars, salts, and other preservatives that may be bad for ducks.

If you can find canned green beans without added preservatives and only water, feel free to give them to your ducks after thoroughly rinsing them.

Frozen green beans can also be given to ducks, provided that you boil them first for at least 10 minutes before serving. Most frozen green beans haven’t been cooked yet so it is best to cook them first to avoid the risk of food poisoning due to the lectin in the beans.

Green beans can be given to ducks as often as you like, as long as it is given in moderation along with other healthy food. If you increase green beans in their diet, you will need to decrease something else. This is to keep their diet in balance. The amount of green beans you can feed your ducks is determined by what other foods are found in your duck’s diet.

For example, green beans have a high water content, so you might want to increase food that prevents diarrhea. Oats, bananas, rice, and potatoes are great to go along with green beans.

Summary – Can Ducks Eat Green Beans?

In conclusion, green beans are an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients for ducks as long as they are cooked thoroughly without added preservatives.

It supports heart health, improves the digestive system, supercharges the immune system, builds stronger bones, and accelerates wound healing. Do not give them raw since they contain a deadly toxin that could kill them.